
Friday, September 27, 2019


Galatians 5:24 NKJV
[24] And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

To crucify your flesh means to refuse, to punish for good reason or to deny your flesh any temporary sinful pleasure. If you want to achieve greatness in life, and in the kingdom of God, you will have to learn the art of crucifying your flesh. Many dreams have failed, many business have collapsed, many careers were shipwrecked, because their owners could not crucify their flesh. Throughout your life, you are going to be faced with the choice between the immediate, temporary satisfaction of sinful pleasure, or the later, eternal reward of faithfulness. The reward for faithfulness has eternal pleasure. Crucifying your flesh can refer to sinful desires, drug addiction, food addiction, loose speech, sinful sexual desires and worldly pleasures. Your inability to crucify your flesh against such desires can ruin or destroy your good future. You have the ability to overcome and conquer any fleshly desire. You have greatness in you.

I am the righteousness of God, in Christ Jesus.
I have crucified my flesh, with its sinful desires.
I am faithful, and full of faith.

Prophetic Instructions.
Make up your mind to choose the eternal reward of faithfulness.
Be aware that crucifying your flesh means, there will be times when you will have to choose to do right against all your sinful burning passions.
Focus on your spiritual life, your studies, your business, your career and your future ahead, and refuse to fall into stagnation through temporary sinful pleasures.
Be aware, the pleasure in the reward for faithfulness is much greater than the temporary pleasures of sin.
Be aware, the pleasure of sin is a temporary satisfaction with an eternal consequence. The pleasures of faithfulness is a temporary inconvenience with an eternal satisfaction.
Crucify your flesh by choosing to do right, in the face of the strong desire to do wrong.
Meditate on the word, pray, listen to the word, study the word and speak the word everytime the enemy wants to draw you into sinful thoughts.
God might not sent an angel from heaven to take away all your sinful desires at once, but He will give you a way of escape and empower your to conquer, everytime you call upon His name. Keep resisting the devil and he will eventually flee from you.
Avoid friends and circumstances that will draw you back into your sinful past.
Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfil the desires of the flesh.
As you start this day, pray earnestly in the Spirit and build yourself up in your most Holy faith.
Go out there today and be strong and courageous. Refuse to fall for any temptation. You are bold and victorious.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.

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Virtue is +1 today. (This is my story)